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Do You Want To Simplify The Marketing And Patient Education In Your Practice With One Fully Integrated Platform That Is 100% Team-Driven?

Email marketing, social media scheduling, text messaging, list building, event registration, contact management, and more, our platform has all of the features you need to market and educate your patients. 


The Official Marketing Platform And Patient Education System For Practices

Is Filled With All Of The Features You Need To Get and Retain More Patients.

Email Marketing

Email marketing has never been easier than with our system because in minutes you can craft your own email, design it however you see fit, and schedule it to send to your entire list or to a specific tag within your list. Plus, we have a library of email templates that you can deploy that are backed by research and proven to educate and inspire your patients and prospective patients.

  • Reactivate inactive patients

  • Share practice announcements with ease

  • Design your emails in our very easy email editor

  • Increase retention when you show up in the inbox

  • Position your practice as an expert in the eyes of your community


Email With Ease With Our Platform

Social Media Scheduling

Finally, you will be able to schedule all of your social media posts for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, and more in one shot so that your communication calendar is filled with educational, engaging, and inspirational content. Plus, tap into the social media library to automate thousands of proven, data-driven, social media posts that will make your practice proud.

  • Build your social media brand proactively versus reactively

  • Increase engagement and following by over 71% with consistent social media posting

  • Save hours each month on your social media efforts

  • Leverage an existing social media library filled with research-based content

  • Increase retention and new patients via consistency around social

Social With Ease With Our Platform

Integrated Texting

100% of text messages are opened within 24 hours of receipt and this represents a huge opportunity for your practice. Imagine being able to update your customers on practice announcements in seconds, invite them to an upcoming event you are hosting, or share a special that is taking place. With one click of a button, you can send a text blast from your practice to your entire phone list in seconds via our platform.

  • Get the attention of your patients with ease

  • Automate your reactivations with text message campaigns

  • Build awareness quickly for office announcements

  • Educate and inspire daiy, weekly, or monthly via text

  • Onboard your new patients


Text With Ease With Our Platform

Event Registrations

Hosting workshops, webinars, online challenges, patient appreciation days, referral initiatives, and more are a high-leverage marketing strategy for your practice and will make these actions 100x easier with our built-in event registration system. Allow your patients and community members to sign up in advance for anything that you offer and received automated reminders via email and text with all of the details. 

  • Get local press with regular events/webinars

  • Create beautiful event registration pages with reminders

  • Streamline and organize your event-based marketing

  • Dramatically improve the overall patient experience

  • Establish yourself as an expert and an authority

Events With Ease With Our Platform

Landing Pages

What is better than a referred new patient? No answer needed as we all know that referrals are the absolute ideal way to grow your practice. This is why our platform will help you attract more of the RIGHT new patients with our proven, simple, and automated referral marketing strategies that your team can deploy in seconds.

  • Build your email and phone database faster

  • Organize your list based on topics of interest for people in your community

  • Establish expert status on various topics

  • Create automation around communications

  • Show up in the life of your practice members and community regularly


Landing Pages With Ease With Our Platform


Automation around communications is an essential piece of staying relevant and on the mind of your practice members and community. Autoresponders can be deployed as email only, text only, or a combination of both. Using autoresponders for patient education, onboarding, and even reactivation will completely transform the efficiency of your business.

  • Create series of emails around your product

  • Develop a year of newsletters that are deployed sequentially

  • Implement new patient onboarding via email and text

  • Establish yourself as an expert

  • Stay on top of the mind of customers who have not purchase product or been to your business in some time

Automation With Ease With Our Platform

Mobile App

You have the ability to access most features from our platform via your mobile device and mobile browser. This makes us a platform that comes with you everywhere and anywhere. Even your team can download the app and benefit immediately.

  • Schedule social posts from your phone

  • Send text blasts from your app

  • Develop email blasts from your mobile device

  • Launch and event or webinar from anywhere

  • Engage your practice members and community with ease.


Be Social With Ease With Our Platform

Contact Management System

Organizing your contacts with tags is the perfect way to communicate with each group in an appropriate fashion. Whether people are interested in products, services, or something else, it is important to know so you can focus on relevancy with your content marketing. Our platform makes organizing your list easy and with a few clicks of a button, you are ready to go.

  • Increase open rates on your email with relevant content

  • Create an organized list based on interest and desires

  • Easy access to reporting to collect important metrics

  • 100% team driven and dynamic which means your tags will update over time

  • Massive value for your list

Organize With Ease With Our Platform


Our Mission

We build marketing solutions for healthcare professionals like you who need turn-key programs.


And you --- our healthcare heroes – help us get those life-changing messages out to the world.


Together, we can do this!


I've been in practice for thirty years, always striving to be the best clinician for my clients.  But then I had a realization, I can be the best clinician but I couldn't sit back and wait for my ideal client to find me, I had no online presence.  A couple years ago, I started scheduling 45 minutes every morning to come up with social media posts; facebook, instagram, linkedin.  Then I'd pay fb to boost those posts.  I kept thinking I needed to do more, spend more, but I had no idea what to do, it was a stress every day sucking up my time and money with little return.  I loved helping clients. I hated finding them.


A few months ago, I saw nimativ, it seemed too good to be true.  I had tried click funnels, mail chimp, active campaign, hubspot and various crms. I didn't want to go down that path again but I am thrilled that I did.  Nimativ is easy to set up (I am a non-techie) and use.  The hardest part is deciding what preset wellness campaign you want to use, there are so many choices!  The live training w/ Nicole Willis is consistent, thorough and precise, it's like you're getting a business coach too.


I had never done a fb live event before, too intimidating.  What if I look foolish?  Using nimativ, I've done 4 live events in the last six weeks.  Nimitiv's marketing map saves me time and keeps me focused.  Nimitiv's done-for-you webinar campaigns, not only save me time and money but has given me the online presence I've been searching for for years.


People are hurting and looking for natural wellness care.  Now that I'm using nimativ, they can find me!  Practice is exciting again, I'm saving time, money and really enjoying doing live events.


Susan Plank



“I trust Biotics Research, I've used their products for over twenty years, they're quality is above reproach and client outcomes are amazing.


When I saw they were supporting their healthcare providers by offering a lifestyle medicine and practice development program together I wanted to check it out.


For the last few months, I've been using nimativ, a marketing solution that honestly I've been missing in practice and looking desperately for.  I know marketing is necessary but it has been the black hole of my time and money.  Not with nimativ.  Nimativ is easy to get up and running and is exciting to use, the various done-for-you campaigns are amazing!


And Biotics Research, didn't disappoint.  Their Whole Life Rx program using MetabolicBiome Plus is getting unbelievable results for my clients.  Seriously, my client's are actually physically shrinking and their self esteem is through the roof.  Their friends and family are seeing their fantastic results which is increasing my word of mouth referrals.  It's amazing and has reinvigorated my enthusiasm in my practice.


Thank you Biotics for partnering with nimativ and reigniting my passion for building my practice.  My clients are getting amazing results, I've increased my online presence thanks to nimativ, this is going to be a great year!"


Susan Plank


nimativ. is proud to support our healthcare professionals by collaborating with the following partners:

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